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The location of the promise

The location of the promise

Getting married in the church is romantic and altogether wonderful. Yxnerums church is beautifully situated in the middle of the village. The church , built in 1802 , offers a warm inviting atmosphere. There is every opportunity for a dream wedding … The church is located conveniently within walking distance of this scenic piece of land in the middle of Östergötland.

The church is built according to the contemporary tradition of a long barn with plastic for the parish’s population . It seats 300 people, including 70 in the stands.

Yxnerums oldest church from the 1200’s were at the same place as the present . When it was deemed too small was demolished to make way for the church that stands here today. At first, the newly built church no steeple . The bells were placed instead in the small original bell tower on the hill next to the church and was moved first in 1928 to the then completed tower. This was established by a generous donation from four unmarried siblings Andersson in Långserums village . To the tower , it was used bricks that have undergone factory chimney at the pulp mill in Borkhult – a good example of reuse.

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